Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nobody Puts Aqua Trap in the Corner!

Aqua Trap

It seems like I am alone in my complete and utter devotion to the Aqua Trap commercial entrance mat by NoTrax.  I am constantly suggesting it to customers, sending out samples of it...heck, I even bought one with my own money and gave it to my nephew for his apartment!

So why then is it so very seldom that I actually SELL this mat? I have thought about this more than is normal, believe me. I guess maybe it is the raised nobbules that give customers pause. But why? People buy the Waterhog mats all day long and their surface is just as aggressive as mi amor, Aqua Trap. Is it too moderne? Too edgy? Too WHAT? I really need to know.

So I turned to my trusty account rep from Superior, Mary Newell.  I asked her how it sells in general and why does she think I am not having any luck selling it.  I guess her crystal ball was broken that day because there was no clean cut reason she could come up with as to my lackluster Aqua Trap sales.  She did, however, mention that it does really well across the board in what she called "Special Markets". When pressed for what that meant, she added that the anti-microbial treatment the mat undergoes in production is especially popular among health care facilities.

Aha! Now we were getting somewhere.  The keywords and market segment that I should begin to target need to highlight this feature more intensely. I had honestly not realized this was even an important feature of the mat. Ooops. :)  So off I go to adjust the listing.

Wish me luck!

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