Wednesday, May 30, 2012

As Promised...Horrible Entrance Mat

Although I initially was picking on the dish room mats used as business entrance mats, there are all sorts of other offenders out there.

I present Exhibit A:

Sigh...yes, it is true. I actually shopped here and spent some money on groceries.  I get the idea behind the cardboard box entrance mat as Eco-friendly and costs nothing. What I am having trouble with is how utterly pitiful and awful a first impression this casts! OMG!!! Will this mat dry off shoes? Maybe a few but won't take long if it's raining or snowing for this area to turn into a hot mess.  Will this prevent slips and falls? Um...NO! It is a bit like an ice rink in that regard.  Can you vacuum it? Duh.  Dirt, sand, rocks...come on in!  Make yourself right at home in the produce department!

People...please let me sell you a decent mat at a really decent price. We can even pick one out that is recycled material if that floats your cardboard boat. 

But, as I said...I spent some money here and will probably go back in the future for their ensalada de nopalitas...which was bomb.

Happy matting!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nobody Puts Aqua Trap in the Corner!

Aqua Trap

It seems like I am alone in my complete and utter devotion to the Aqua Trap commercial entrance mat by NoTrax.  I am constantly suggesting it to customers, sending out samples of it...heck, I even bought one with my own money and gave it to my nephew for his apartment!

So why then is it so very seldom that I actually SELL this mat? I have thought about this more than is normal, believe me. I guess maybe it is the raised nobbules that give customers pause. But why? People buy the Waterhog mats all day long and their surface is just as aggressive as mi amor, Aqua Trap. Is it too moderne? Too edgy? Too WHAT? I really need to know.

So I turned to my trusty account rep from Superior, Mary Newell.  I asked her how it sells in general and why does she think I am not having any luck selling it.  I guess her crystal ball was broken that day because there was no clean cut reason she could come up with as to my lackluster Aqua Trap sales.  She did, however, mention that it does really well across the board in what she called "Special Markets". When pressed for what that meant, she added that the anti-microbial treatment the mat undergoes in production is especially popular among health care facilities.

Aha! Now we were getting somewhere.  The keywords and market segment that I should begin to target need to highlight this feature more intensely. I had honestly not realized this was even an important feature of the mat. Ooops. :)  So off I go to adjust the listing.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kitchen Grid Mat Sample a.k.a. Soap Dish

Kitchen Grid "Soap Dish"
Hello fellow Internet surfers! Sarah here at coming at you once again with randomness. Hopefully you already know that for everything you would ever ever ever need concerning commercial entrance mats you can call or click to contact me!

But today's installment concerns the little buddy in the photo. (No, not the soap, silly!)  What you see is my (clever?) use of a sample of Kitchen Grid by Durable Corporation as a soap dish.  You see, blame it on my dad but I have a super obsession with things in the bathroom drying completely between uses.  This includes the shower curtain, towel, bath rag, shampoo bottles and of course, the soap.  Storing  my soap on top of this little anti-fatigue kitchen matting is just so perfect! Not only does it allow airflow to the max which dries the soap uber effiiciently but also the anti-slip surface pattern helps keep the soap from skating off to that sketchy area behind the toilet!

Think about it...same thing applies in a wet, greasy, slippery kitchen!  The rigid construction of Kitchen Grid holds its shape under the traffic racing around in that environment. The open design encourages airflow and, therefore, drier surface and floors beneath. Brilliant, simply brilliant!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

People Just LOVE Reese Mats!!!

Almost every other day we hear from customers looking for quotes on our top recessed mat brand, Reese Enterprises.  This makes us very happy. You see, the amazingly consistent product and the hard-working staff at this manufacturer make it so easy to sell their mats! 

When I first started at back in 2007, this product line scared me senseless. It looked too involved and complicated...the math-phobe in me was hiding under the desk for sure.  But lo, at some point I had to confront my trepidation in order to quote my first customer.  The rest is, as they say, history.  I am deeply in lurve with not only the product but also the process and efficiency of the staff at Reese. I have never had a customer call to complain that their mat was not sized correctly or made poorly. Let me pause to let that sink in. Dare I say I have even gotten to the point where I know enough about these mats to consult and guide customers who are new to it???  (Dare dare!)

Reese "3/4" Roll Grate"
I mean, just look at it for gosh sakes! This beauty sits almost a full inch above the bottom of the recess it sits in making the crud storage factor underneath MAJOR.  In the photo above you can see each of the different filler materials represented. From left to right, Brush (combo of nylon carpet fibers and course polypropylene fibers designed to both dry and scrape shoes), Vinyl Peak (molded pointy vinyl designed for aggressive scraping of shoes), Carpet (100% nylon carpet designed for superior drying and light scraping), and Vinyl Abrasive (rigid vinyl base with silica grit tape strips applied for slip resistance).

Reese "Perfec Aluminum Hinge"
Reese "3/4" Roll Grate"

Not only do these mats ROCK...but they ROLL (pun
totally intended):

Even though they are tough and long-lasting, see how easily they move in order to be cleaned off or underneath?  Heck, you could hire a baby to move this mat for you!  We would never condone any sort of child labor...that was just a hyperbolic example. :)

If you are reading this and just cannot stand not knowing what it would cost to get your very own Reese Mat, please fill out the Quote Request Form and we will happily get you quoted!

Have a Mat-tastic Day!