Thursday, July 12, 2012

"Exciting" New Products Just Added!

I know, I know...matting as a blog topic can be a bit...dry. Pun intended. However, recently I have embarked upon adding some new mat-related products to our website. Or maybe they would be considered floor-related. While still "dry", they are kind of exciting.

Take a look at the Poly Curb for example.  I mean, who DOESN'T need a portable curb ramp? Say you are an avid camper and you need to load/unload things at the camp site. BOOM! Poly Curb.  Or maybe you own a food truck and it did not come fitted with a ramp for loading supplies. BOOM! Poly Curb.  See what I mean? How about if you are the guy who has a truck and everyone always asks for your help moving? Maybe you could get an extra case of beer (and have more time after the move to enjoy it!) if you broke out your handy-dandy Poly Curb ramp!

Poly Curb
And then just take a look at this cool beast! What the heck is it you ask? Well for gosh-sakes it is a glow-in-the-dark cord protector! Where do dark places and beefy cords running everywhere occur together? Concerts, stage productions, nighttime at the county fair, haunted houses, etc. These babies stay charged and glowing up to 12 hours if given enough time to charge in a bright place. And as if that weren't enough to make it your "go-to" cord protector, it is also interlocking for total customization of length. It can be rolled over by up to 10,000 lbs. per axle as well. The sloped design makes it anti-trip for foot traffic.  You want one, don't you? Knew you would....

Nite Hawk Cord Protector