Wednesday, May 30, 2012

As Promised...Horrible Entrance Mat

Although I initially was picking on the dish room mats used as business entrance mats, there are all sorts of other offenders out there.

I present Exhibit A:

Sigh...yes, it is true. I actually shopped here and spent some money on groceries.  I get the idea behind the cardboard box entrance mat as Eco-friendly and costs nothing. What I am having trouble with is how utterly pitiful and awful a first impression this casts! OMG!!! Will this mat dry off shoes? Maybe a few but won't take long if it's raining or snowing for this area to turn into a hot mess.  Will this prevent slips and falls? Um...NO! It is a bit like an ice rink in that regard.  Can you vacuum it? Duh.  Dirt, sand, rocks...come on in!  Make yourself right at home in the produce department!

People...please let me sell you a decent mat at a really decent price. We can even pick one out that is recycled material if that floats your cardboard boat. 

But, as I said...I spent some money here and will probably go back in the future for their ensalada de nopalitas...which was bomb.

Happy matting!

1 comment:

  1. And what is the winter version of this I only wonder???
